Update on Dogs
TO: The Lake Shastina Community
FROM: Will Bullington, Chief of Police
RE: Dog Issues
The proliferation of illegal marijuana grows in the Mt. Shasta Vista area just north of us has brought many problems to the county. One of these are the guard dogs that get abandoned every season. They run in packs and of course, have puppies. Some of these dogs have spilled over into the Lake Shastina community. Siskiyou County animal control has had great luck in trapping these dogs all over the area, except in the Lake Shastina area. Based on postings on social media and just common sense, the animal control officers believe the dogs are not hungry enough to trap, because they are being fed.
California state law prohibits the feeding of wildlife. And although it may seem noble, the feeding of these dogs is hindering their capture. At it’s July meeting the Lake Shastina CSD board began the process of amending two parts to our animal control ordinances: 1. All dogs must be on a leash when not on the owner’s property (shock collars no longer a substitute for this). 2. It is illegal to feed outside animals that are not your own, and when fed outside they must be fed in a secure fenced area, so other animals do not have access.
Experts also believe the dogs are feeding themselves by knocking over trash cans. We ask that you secure your trash can with some type of a strap or “bungee cord” so if knocked over by animals or wind the trash stays in the can.
We are working very closely with the county on this issue, and we would greatly appreciate your cooperation.